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[Nobbc] November ride

Subject: [Nobbc] November ride
From: Ron Engelhardt <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 18:46:29 -0800
November is typically the time of year we switch to our winter schedule. 
That is, one ride in the middle of the month starting at noon. That 
being said and if there are no objections, our next ride will be this 
coming Saturday 11/15 starting at noon in the commuter lot just west of 
101 on River Rd. (PG&E substation). If anyone has a ride suggestion, 
pipe up, otherwise the group present will decide.

Just because we will only have one ride a month scheduled doesn't mean 
you can't suggest alternate rides at any time during the month. If you 
want to have a ride at any other time, this is the proper forum to 
suggest it. For instance, in years past, we have done rides on the day 
after Thanksgiving and New Years Day that have been quite sucessful.

This list has been pretty quiet lately. Please feel free to speak up, 
this is your club! The tech session last month was extremely 
interesting. Thanks to Greg for arranging it, and here's hoping we have 
similar events this winter. If you have an idea for an interesting club 
visit or ride, let us know.

58 MGA
Nobbc mailing list

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