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[Nobbc] last call-nobbc 7th -steve.

To: "North Bay British Car Club" <>
Subject: [Nobbc] last call-nobbc 7th -steve.
From: "Steve Lehmann" <>
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2008 00:49:33 -0600
o.k. here we go

as most of you know i will not be there-
in spirt yes-in body no.
(maybe barrack will show up in a bentley w/his rap star bud ludicres)

o.k. folks gas down there must be pushing 4.5 bucks a gal or better-
how much is 2 beers at your local tavern?

get out and show up at the warm springs dam.

for god sakes,it,s nobbc 7th anniversary ride-
this club between ron and me and joe and deano-
from absolutley me handing out flyers to what it has become w/my rants and ron
and deanos making appeals for my fast blasting lines and always joe a. at the

my jabs at steve plath and kurt housh-
houla danceing in rons yard-

scott irwin dressing as spock-

and all you guys i never have known-(and never will)
it,s nobbc.

it,s still dues free-

to this day even in colorado i am asked how the hell did you do this-?
well i did not do it alone.

it was one hell of a hard start-
empire sports car club (s.c.c.a.) tryed to can me as soon as they had word of
my "evil ideas"
a brit car club has been tryed here before more than once and they have always
failed, you will as well.

well that may be so, however that was long before steve lehmann and ron
englehardt and dean paige.
after that came bill o,hara (R.I.P.) and joe arbunic-(met at a garage sale by
his wife when i spoted his m.g.,s)
so many of you have had my blasting words over the last 7 years-
politics-global warming-rant- oil drips into s.f. bay-ect.

thing is guys (and gals) is this-
this club is still after all the naysayers very much alive-
this club also is being looked at by all the big bay area clubs.(has been
since advent)
sorry safari,triumph travelers,esca,the corvette clubs,sacto brit club,fresno
brit club,chico brit club,vegas brit club and now denver co. and front range
brit car clubs.


because we are different,that,s why.
we are differnt as a club as much as we are all different as people.
these other clubs will never say they envy us yet the truth is they do.
not there managing gurus,govenors,exec board but there members.
i know it, you know it, and they know it.

enuff for tonight guys-
fly the nobbc flags and send photos up to me please-
dee and i will be at the dam in the morn.
it,s gonna be 101 here tommorrow.
i will park tr out on street.

raidiation treatments finished as far as i know-
next big pow wow w/ docs friday 8th re cemo plans-
point of orgin still a mystery,
doc i belive will call it pancres due to no cancer in colin.
radiation has given some relife to pain in right testicle but it still is
altered walk due to this pain now shooting into right hip.
upset gut pain remains most days till noon or 2 p.m.-
all you guys just go for a ride for the 7th and send pics-
thank you.
wish i was there.
it,s late and im ready to go to bed-
truth be known my eyes are getting wet.
i miss you guys.
some days are better than others.
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