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[Nobbc] o.k. fine-so thats how it works in cali?-nobbc

To: "North Bay British Car Club" <>
Subject: [Nobbc] o.k. fine-so thats how it works in cali?-nobbc
From: "Steve Lehmann" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 16:53:50 -0600
yea the guy,s gone now-
he,s just a worthless pile of scrap anyway-
we dont need him-
let him travell down here 1400 miles-
were not going out of our way to see him.
his rant,s and raves-
he,s a god dame repuplican right wing mouthpice anyway-
i get it.
not just that but he dont use spellcheck on his e-mails-

park and ride lot,river road-nobbc- next saturday-march 29th-
the true nobbc will be there-(if any still remain)
everybody elese is just a want to be,s that need someting to cling to because
there mommys are gone........
we will see the real men-(and woman) of nobbc at river road lot sat.29th-10:00
show up or shut up.
steven j. lehmann-colorado
no need to reply to this mail-im pulling out of loveland easter sunday and
wont get replys-
i dont travel w/a laptop and cell phone.
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  • [Nobbc] o.k. fine-so thats how it works in cali?-nobbc, Steve Lehmann <=