Hello fellow newsletter editors...
The June, 2003 edition of the Detroit Triumph Sportscar Club's "Triumph
Review" is now available on the club's website at
<http://detroittriumph.org/Review/> . Feel free to contact me if you wish
to reprint anything and need Word docs or hi-res photos. We also had a bit
of a website redesign in the last month.
This month's issue includes a brief recap on our celebration of Drive Your
British Car Week and a light-hearted look at trans-Atlantic calling by John
Macartney from the UK.
If you publish your newsletter PDF, please let everyone here know when you
post it. I for one, and I suspect others here, like to see other club's
Blake Discher
PLEASE SPONSOR ME! Driving my British car to benefit Hemophilia
Foundation: http://www.mibrr.com
Play the game: "Don't Crash the
Triumph!" http://www.fireflystudios.com/triumph
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