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Springthing - Georgetown

Subject: Springthing - Georgetown
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 08:11:50 EST
Springthing - Georgetown
 <A HREF="";></A> 

May 16-18  Hosted by the Bluegrass Austin Healey Club

Join the Bluegrass Club this year as our successful annual event moves to 
another great location, Georgetown, Kentucky.    

Home base this year is a brand new Best Western located conveniently near the 
intersection of I-64 and I-75.  Room rates are only $59*.  (* until April 16)

Join us for the crazy antics of Bluegrass minds at the Funkhana and Welcome 
Festivities. Events include a pleasurable Road Rally.  Our backroads offer 
beautiful horse farms, Irish fieldstone fences, the meandering creeks and the 
competitive spirits of Healey Marque drivers. Saturday enter the Popularity 
Car Show featuring all your favorite Healeys.  Strolling among the cars, what 
better way to spend a Saturday Afternoon. 

Our always excellent Hospitality Suite, Awards, hilarious Funkhana are all on 
the weekend agenda. Saturday evening enjoy a fine Awards Bar-B-Que and 
special Auction. Trophies for the winners and a few surprises are always on 
the agenda. Come join with your Healey friends and make new ones!

Register Today!

Download registration form attached or visit the Springthing web site at <A 
HREF="";></A> for more information and a downloadable form.

Bluegrass Austin Healey Club
<A HREF="";> </A>w<A 
<A HREF="";></A>
<A HREF="";></A>

[demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name 
of springthing 2003 flyer bw.pdf]

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