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Re: Newsletter material

Subject: Re: Newsletter material
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 14:46:05 EST
In a message dated 98-02-13 14:38:50 EST, CobMeister writes:

<< That is a really nice website and it sounds like a marvelous event!  I am
sorely tempted to buy a Healey just so I could go to the conclave in good
conscience.  Can't imagine why anyone would object to your posting it.
Personally, I would love to see an article on how y'all prepared to stage such
an ambitious event.  I assume (yeah, yeah, I know) that it took years of

Yes it did take years.  We started preliminary planning in the spring of 1996
to make a presentation to the National committee to be awarded the hosting of
the event.  It is an event that takes place somewhere in the country every
year.  This will be the 22nd annual Conclave.  Next year will be St. Louis, MO
and the following year will be in Northern Indiana.  Get yourself a Healey and
come join us.

 <<Have you considered an online newsletter?  Take a look at the Texas MG
effort to see what I am talking about>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

My Conclave 98 Web Site will become the South East Michigan AHC Newsletter Web
Site in September after Conclave is over.

Thanks for the interest.

Ron Mitchell

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