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Christmas Registration

Subject: Christmas Registration
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 18:50:30 -0500 (EST)
Here it the 1st of Dec. and if your stuck for what to get your Significant
other for Christmas, perhaps a Summer trip to Boyne Falls, MI for the Austin
Healey Conclave 98 would be nice.  Come early and you can attend the Vintage
Races at Waterford Hills, MI and attend Meadow Brook Concours d'Elegance.
 The information is all there on the Conclave 98 Home Page.  You can register
online by clicking the hyperlink  <A HREF="
ndex.html">CONCLAVE 98 UPDATE</A>  or going to the home page at

While there you could also purchase some nice Regalia Items as additional
Christmas presents for the whole family.

Those of you that have already registered might want to check out the revised
Bump Sheet to see if your classification remains the same as when you

Those of you that are affiliated with Healey Parts Supplier that are looking
for events to sponsor in 1998 you might steer them our way.  We still have a
few events that are open for sponsorship

Happy Holidays

Ron Mitchell

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