Hal Faulkner <hal@katemuir.com> wrote: From: "Hal Faulkner" <hal@katemuir.com>
To: "Doug Altman" <doug_altman@yahoo.com>, "Bill L" <pythias@pacifier.com>,
"Billy Zoom" <billyzoom@billyzoom.com>,
"Brad Fornal" <tequila.brad@gmail.com>,
"Buster" <b-evans@earthlink.net>,
"David Lieb" <dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com>, "Derf" <derf247@gmail.com>,
"Frank Clarici" <spritenut@comcast.net>,
"Glen Byrns" <grbyrns@ucdavis.edu>,
"Jay Fishbein" <type79@ix.netcom.com>, "Just Ed" <63AHBJ7@comcast.net>,
"Larry & Sandi Miller" <millerls@ado13.com>,
"Larry Daniels" <ladaniels@sbcglobal.net>,
"Lester" <oldsaabguy@comcast.net>,
"Michael Rowe" <mdrowe@optonline.net>, "Peter C" <peter@nosimport.com>,
"Peter Shull" <pdx.pete@verizon.net>,
"Red Midget" <redmidget72@yahoo.com>,
"Uniquelittlecars" <uniquelittlecars@yahoo.com>,
"Vern" <vern@srvinet.com>,
"Wm. Severin Thompson" <wsthompson@thicko.com>
Subject: The Paul A Fund
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 15:17:37 -0800
Pete has done all the leg work and has set up the account for assisting Paul
with his expenses.
Here is what he has informed me:
"Checks are preferable and can be made out to:
Paul A Fund
The checks can be sent to me:
Peter Shull
1405 NE Village Street
Fairview OR 97024
Alternatively, they can be sent to:
Julie A Miler
US Bank, Cherry Park Branch
2541 SW Cherry Park Road
Troutdale OR 97060
Wire transfers / electronic fund transfers could be made, but might draw
some attention under the guidelines of the Patriot Act. If someone wishes to
make an EFT donation have them get in touch with me for the routing and
account numbers.
Cash donations could be made, but might also draw some attention under the
guidelines of the Patriot Act. Again, if someone wishes to make an cash
donation have them get in touch with me for the account number.
There's very little chance that the bank will send Paul a form 1099; in all
likelihood the money will not in the account long enough to accrue the
interest necessary.
I can distribute the money to Paul by check or by cold, hard cash."
So now let's all spread the word and get everybody that might ever have
dealt with Paul in any way informed. The more people who know of the
situation, the more who will contribute.
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