Morgan printed "Spare Parts List"s at least from the '30's until at
least 1959. I have such a publication for "Plus 4 Models and 4/4 Series
II Models" and it mentions the year 1959 in one of the part
descriptions. I have seen a similar publication for the post-war 4/4
models at a UK autojumble and there was one on ebay for three wheelers a
few days ago.
In the booklet that I have, the part numbers are listed in two columns
-- one for Plus 4 and one for 4/4. Plus 4 numbers are in the format
V4-##-### and 4/4 numbers are in the form 4/4-##-###. In the engine
section there are three columns of prices for each part listed: Vangard,
TR2 and TR3. All part numbers in this section follow the V4-etc. format
and not the TR format. There are no 4/4 engine parts listed.
I see no mention of any of the part numbers you identify, nor any
mention of super sport parts, nor even disk brakes. Considering that
you are looking at 1963 information, it is interesting to think about
how much had changed in three or four years. Not quite the same pace of
change as the Aero 8 era though.
I asked about this part numbering system at the spares counter at the
factory a few years ago and no-one recognized this type of numbering.
It seems to me that I have seen some evidence of it on some of the old
wooden bins in the spares stores though -- can anyone confirm this?
--Steve Manwell
'54 +4 and '57 4/4 in Boston, Mass.
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