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seat belts

To: <>
Subject: seat belts
From: Marv Coulthard <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 23:34:50 -0800
Here in BC I think we keep trying to do oneupmanship on the Republic of
California.  Long ago it was seat belts. then padded sunvisors, then
airbags, then motorcycle helmets. Now more recently, air care (polution
control) with such strict testing that not even the new cars pass on the
first try. We also require bicycle helmets, (and the bicycle riders all
wear those dorky looking ones with a dentists mirror gaffer taped to it),
that make them go faster.  Also we have banned smoking in all public
buildings including restraunts, bars and pubs. More recent attempts have
been to ban all logging. Also a ban has been put in the use of mobile
telephones in vehicles. A marine operators licence is required now if you
have a boat, no mater what size.  We're not allowed to hunt, trap or fish
anymore. The gov taxes the hell out of drinking ... so drinking and driving
is out...and the taxes are getting so high now that soon drinking and
taking a cab or even drinking and walking will soon be out. 

This leaves us with only one bad habit left...  Yes you guessed it..

I feel comfortable in Morgan with the seatbelts on. They are there for a
reason. It's just that they get in the way of that one and only bad habit
we have left to enjoy, but this dosnt matter so much any more while driving

60+4 S/B #4399

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