After reading through their website, it is a bit overstated as a
zero-emission car. Since it actually has a hybrid powerplant and uses
fuel for some of its oepration, it should technically be referred to a
a VLEV rather than ZEV (both of which are industry acronyms and as
another reader pointed out, still not technically accurate since any
form of energy production does produce pollution).
They are certainly well structured in the information they present and
they have all of the proper featues such as regenerative braking.
Time will tell but it'll be a long time before too many are seen in
some areas of the world. Los Angeles might be a good early target
market with the ZEV regulations already in effect.
"Entropy Happens!"
Michael D. Miles, PE Consulting Design Engineer
(503) 292-1234, FAX: (503) 292-1105