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RE: Morgan Insurance

Subject: RE: Morgan Insurance
From: Harvey Gilmartin <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 14:09:30 -0400
We seem to be agreed your friend should buy an old junker. She may not like
that idea. After all, she probably didn't spend years on a waiting list and
a large pile of money for a new Morgan - then go to the trouble of shipping
it here - in order to drive around our fare State of New Jersey in an old
junker! I'm guessing your agent got quick and easy answers from insurance
reps in cubes who don't know anything about self-imported cars. Her next
step should be to call the insurance companies directly. If she is
persistent and tries several of them, she may get to speak to someone who
does know how to insure her car. If that doesn't work, the next step would
be to call some import agents (look in Hemmings, etc.) - they may be able
to get her car on the road.
good luck

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