I am in a hotel far from home. Been teachin' the Marines at LaJeune some
digital photography.Trike sits neglected since last race in October with a
loose worm wheel. Driving my new tow car- I think. That is I know I am
driving it- just isn't a tow car yet. Not sure it has the poopi to tow like
the old 77 454cui Suburban. It is a 77 Xporer & I love it. Too cool a
conversion but not sure 360cui is going to do the trick- may have to get
smaller trailer!!
Tried the new ViseGrips that lock on a nut without chewing it up? Clever
design. Good emergency tool. A pair of these, a regular ViseGrip, Swiss Army
knife and a cell phone... ready to go anywhere.
Also- Wagner has a test kit for brake fluid to check the moisture content. I
plan to get one, sounds like a good thing to have around.
For a neat job in tight corners when covering those side panels.. a heat gun
becomes a friend.
I have some old original side panels that have a cardboard backing and the
covering is stitched clear thruch the panel. A good industrial walking foot
machine will do this. There is a trade name for the backing- upholstery shops
know... Problem in a used (as in driven- used) Morgan is that the stuff
warps when wet. I use 1/8" plywood too. Give the whole sheet a poly coat-
both sides. That's stock. Then when cut, I give it another coat to seal the
edges. I use staples to hold the material but you need short ones.. Love my
air stapler..
Still looking for the next four wheel Morgan project.
fred sisson