I am in Jax FL- on my way to Charlston.. looking for a new tow vehicle on the
way- money in my pocket. I want an Xplorer 1976-78. Seems like it will tow
the (small) racer and eliminate hotel bills- streatching the race budget.
This is a Dodge van- extended with a slightly rounded roof line. I know- I am
nuts cuz' there is a gaggle of van conversions out there.. but I like the
Xplorer. Know of any for sale?
Had dinner with Morgan folks in Orlando Fri. Wish I could make the Brit
meet in Orlando in April but can't. Hope a lot of you are comming to
Charlston for the meet that Charlie King is organizing in April. Need to get
reservations NOW as it is peak tourist season there. Charlie has a good meet
planned. Comeon down.
Who's going to Meadowbrook?
fred sisson