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Re: Has anyone heard of this?

Subject: Re: Has anyone heard of this?
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 09:22:20 -0800 wrote:
>  Penny has no Moss boxes....

Neither does anyone else except for a chance find! 

 doesn't approve of such shenanigans such as the Toyota transmission
conversion .....

There's a lot of Morgan people who think a Morgan should look like a
Morgan!  There's a lot of leeway in Morgans because they have been made
in the same style for so long. So front-dating, back-dating is quite
acceptable to the fraternity.  For example a 1600 cc Ford in a 4/4
Series II is very acceptable.  A Ford 302 hooked to an automatic
transmission in a '57 Plus 4 is on the fringe, some would say, beyond
the fringe and into the hot rod category and a great car to ride in,
believe me.  I pass no judgement and only wish to point out that there
exists a sensibility that some modifications to a Morgan decrease its
acceptance and certainly its value.

All this above from yours truly who has installed an alternator in his
'31 JAP SS.

Tony Souza
Ottsville, PA

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