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Re: cotter key for rear axel

To: David & Pat <>,
Subject: Re: cotter key for rear axel
From: Bob Nogueira <>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 99 21:14:15 -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

         I'm assuming your talking about the nut which goes on the    axle
shaft to hold the hub in place.
1)  If the hub is not seated to the shaft properly the hole for the  cotter
pin would not line up with the  slot on the nut . The key could be doing
this if not  seated properly.
2)  There is a slotted nut which  looks like a regular nut with slots cut in
the top and a Castle nut which has the slots on a stepped flange on the top
of the nut.  You may have a castle nut where you need a slotted nut  (
slotted nuts are generally shorter than castle nuts .) 
Bob Nogueira   " speaking of nuts......................'"  
-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

> Date: Wednesday, 15-Dec-99 10:30 AM
> From: David & Pat              \ Internet:    (
> To:   MORGANS                  \ Internet:    (
> Subject: Re: cotter key for rear axel
> Morganeers,
> I have a few questions concerning the rear axles on my Plus 4.  The right
> axle on my car was probably replaced at some time with what looks to be a
> axle. ( The axle nut turns to the rt. on the rt. hand axle)  Also I
> been able to line up the holes on the hub and axle on either side for a
> key.  I was told that as long as the axle nuts are snug on both sides, as
> are now, I wouldn't have a problem.   If I really wanted cotter keys
>  I was told that new holes could be drilled  into both axles.  It seems to
me I
> would run the risk of rendering both axles too weak after drilling an
> additional hole in each axle, especially if I happened to drill near or
> the original hole. 
> Your input is welcomed.
> Back into the garage,
> David

-------- REPLY, End of original message --------

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