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RE: More about MSCC vs Christine Healey

To: "'Morgan List'" <>
Subject: RE: More about MSCC vs Christine Healey
From: "Manfred Brown" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 10:32:35 +0100
Many thanks for posting this and the judgement - I hadn't realised the half
of it.

I'll try to attend the AGM if possible - my first in 16 years membership. Do
you suggest we formally raise the issue? I don't know how these things work.
Do we try to put someone up for Mrs Simpson's job? Replace all bar 5 of the

1987 +8
MSCC# 1844

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jeremy Edwards
Sent:   11, October, 1999 23:59
Subject:        More about MSCC vs Christine Healey

I hope that by now most of you have had the opportunity to read the
Tribunal Judgement, either mailed out by me or on the ManxMog web site

I would be happy to try and answer any questions about it. Please let
your fellow MSCC members know of the Judgement and the circumstances it
reveals as I feel all members should be aware of what has been done in
their name. If you would like copies of my earlier messages, I can send
them by e-mail.

After waiting for a response from any of the Officers or Directors of
MSCC and hearing nothing, I feel that I must stir the pot again.

I understand from various people that the only view emanating from the
MSCC is that the matter is _sub_judice_. This is utter repeat utter
balderdash, as a civil matter the concept does not exist. Now the
judgement is out, this is not the time to hide ones head in the sand,
but time to sort the mess the Club is creating.

        i)      The Memorandum and Articles make the Chairman the line-
                manager for the Registrar and it will take an AGM or EGM
                to change them. Mrs Simpson's view was wrong and should
                not have been supported.
        ii)     Directors evidently don't understand their
                responsibilities to either the members or their
        iii)    A significant number of Directors have acted as sheep
                and followed the flock. From my reading, only Messrs
                Wood, Oliver and the three who abstained still have
                their dignity and credibility intact.
        iv)     Notice for the AGM is conspicuous by it's absence, what
                accounts will be tabled for adoption? what changes to
                the Mem & Arts will be tabled? How will the wasting of
                GBP17,000+ be explained? (all members are entitled to
                vote, you can get someone to act as your proxy). As
                Richard Lovatt was removed for "delivering the accounts
                after Christmas", what's the new excuse?
        v)      There needs to be more openness in the activities of the
                NCM, the Directors, Officers and any sub groups.
                During the Chris Rowe editorship, the letters page
                allowed some venting of feelings. The last two editors
                have kept the lid on, siting _sub_judice_-this is no
                longer a good idea. Print the judgement, then the
                minutes of all meetings, within 2 months of the
                meetings, with a minimum of editing.
        vi)     The club has a responsibility to it's existing employee,
                but the manner of the appointment leads me to question
                the process. Several sources have suggested that this
                was a put-up job from the beginning. I would humbly
                suggest that the phrase -"Never ascribe to malice what
                is equally explainable by incompetence"- is a suitable
                summary, but I'd like some evidence.

Please don't let this die with apathy, as it's your money being spent,
maybe up to GBP30,000 or more than GBP7.50 per member. To an extent, we
all get the Directors we deserve, so at the very least, we all should
consider standing.

The AGM will present the next public opportunity to question the
Directors, keep an eye out and attend if possible. There should be 21
days clear notice for a General Meeting and it will be announced in
Miscellany, section 55(B) Articles of Association.

(In case anyone has fond hopes of recovering the damages awarded from
the Directors personally, forget it! English law has a very low test of
competence for Directors, basically, so long as they act "in good
faith", they can do most things, however stupid. The only sanction is to
vote them off the Board. If the MSCC was established as an incorporated
charity, things would be different- the Directors should be grateful to
Richard Lovatt in that respect).
Jeremy Edwards
1972 Morgan 4/4 2 str
Melton Mowbary, England
MSCC No.5906

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