After the recent threads involving "clutter" & "ConMogCon", It occurred to
me that people here, in this list & hobby, wish for greater interaction -
yet some don't desire it in their email inboxes. Well, I've decided to adapt
some of the "tech" involved with my cigar hobby to the Morgan world, in the
spirit of ConMogCon but International instead.
I've created a new Excite Community called "Morgan Sports Cars
International". Here ANYONE can contribute ANYTHING Morgan related: photos,
articles, intersting links, events calendar, discussion, or engage in Morgan
keyboard chat (Tech & whatever) - by themselves. It's incredibly easy.
Check out this community at:
It's also listed in the Excite Directory under Autos - Cars.
I've sown the seeds. I don't have the time to make all the submissions, so
it will become what people make of it & will share. As with any forum, good
taste & sense is expected. Please no flame or obsenity!
You can also engage in real-time VOICE CHAT! If you have a sound card,
speakers & a mike, go to the Excite home page. Select the Excite Voice Chat
area, under "Today on Excite", or use this link:
Click on "Go Voice Chat".
In the input box, Type: "Morgan_Sports_Cars_Int".
This will take you to the voice chat area. If you don't have the plug-in,
you will be prompted to download it.
Folks can access anytime & chat with anyone who also might be there. Or you
can arrange to talk with someone at a predetermined time. It's like free
long-distance! And CHIT CHAT is welcome here! Enjoy. From the social - &
technological - folk in the "Great White North", the folk from the Morgan
Sports Car Club of Canada!
Fred Kuzyk
Roundel Records MP3 music site:
My Morgan site:
Holy Smokes & Southern Ontario Cigar Society site: