-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --
-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------
> Date: Thursday, 24-Jun-99 11:43 AM
> From: William G. Lamb, III Said in part:
> This difference causes us both to prefer Cantab, which has a year-round
> business, stocks parts for ALL four wheel Morgans, and has just built a
> and modern new shop across from the old one, (read COMMITMENT into that).
> Regards,
> Willie
> P.S. Charles Morgan tells me that the Sales Department has
> begun to monitor the ramblings on this List and brings to
> his attention any feedback which might be of interest
> William G. Lamb, III
When a guy has helped other Morgan Owners for Twenty five years it shows
COMMITMENT. I have never met a person who bought a car from Bill that
didn't say he was a great guy .
If you don't like Bill don't buy from him but lets not hold Wynn out as a
saint. I can assure you there are some people who wouldn't buy ice water in
Hell from Wynn .
Hi Charles !
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Bob Nogueira