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Re: Those who aren't quite on the road yet...

Subject: Re: Those who aren't quite on the road yet...
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 17:58:18 EDT
Jeff - Sounds like you are on the right track with the new regulator.  I had 
to do the same to careful pushing down those contacts, if you 
push the wrong two together they will stay that way and burn the regulator up 
..... I paid $50 at the local MG shop for mine  (he works on AH and Triumph 
too).  I'll be interested in knowing if it fixes it.  

I'm still off the road too, working when I can to rewire the 4/4.  I've about 
finished measuring and cataloging the wires, and will order the necessary 
stuff this week I hope.   My problem is that I've got too much going on to do 
it all and keep a LBC on the road too.  Go to Work-School Board-Ball Game 
#1-Ball Game #2-Advisory Committee-Gideons-Finance Committee-Ball 
Game-Practice-Concert-Graduation-Friend's Wedding-School Board and that's 
just one week.  I haven't put 3 hours in the shop in 2 weeks and it's driving 
me nuts taking the creaky Jeep J10 into work and around every day and the 
Morgan sitting wireless.  You're not the only one frustrated, just a 
different reason!  (Tried hiring a trust fund manager so I could buy a +8 but 
the silly guy wanted to know where the trust fund was and I had to drop him).


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