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Re: Who Needs Y2K When We Have Lucas!

To: Kit Hildreth <>,
Subject: Re: Who Needs Y2K When We Have Lucas!
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 12:24:38 EDT
Kit - I think you're right about the efficacy of Lucas systems in general.  
My Lucas parts on any of my LBCs (like regulators, generators, motors,etc) 
last at least as long as their Delco or Bosch counterparts.  

The problem usually lies with whatever idiot designed unfused taillight wires 
and similar design features.  Would that be considered a Lucas problem or an 
AustinHealy problem?  

And when the system is 30 or 40 years old, ninety percent of the problems are 
due to a BAD GROUND.  Every problem I've had to date on my Morgan has been a 
bad or rusty ground connection.

I'm with you.  Hooray for Uncle Joe, Bringer of Light!


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