Hi all,
I am soldiering on, trying to get my 58 Plus 4 road worthy (every time I
think I have welded the last weak piece of chassis, I find another area that
needs repair!) and trying to cut new front floorboards from templates that
the previous owner created (badly) is a bitch of a job!
Any way, the question of the day is......
Are there meant to be any wires, fuel lines etc. that run front to back
INSIDE the car?
Mine has the battery negative cable (It's a positive earth car), a bunch of
lighting wires on the passenger side, and a fuel line on the drivers side.
They all run/are attached to the sill board.
I can't believe this work is original, Surely the wiring and fuel lines ran
on the outside of the tub, perhaps under the wings?
Some one enlighten me please.
Best regards,