-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --
> Date: Friday, 19-Feb-99 06:12 AM
> From: DGreimel@aol.com \ America Online: (DGREIMEL)
> Subject: +4 bell housings
> I have a +4 bell housing that has obviously been welded together near the
> parking brake ratched where the diameter increases. It looks as though it
> created that way but I have to wonder. I haven`t looked at one in 35
years so
> perhaps someone who has could answer the question.
> Thanks
> Don
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I just went out to " The Garage with More Morgan Parts Than Any One Single
Person Should Have " and none of my three spares have any weld lines.
I would be very suspect of using it . If off anymore than 1 1/2 degrees it
will cause the muff coupling to wear.
How do I know you ask? AHHHH time for another Nogueira Story
Back in 1983 five of us Texas Morgan Owners decided to attend the West
Coast meet at Morro Bay. Leaving Texas we crossed New Mexico when just over
the line into Arizona Duchess stopped transmitting power to the rear
wheels . A quick inspection placed the problem ahead of the transmission .
We were in the middle of the desert. The closest phone was 20 mile away the
nearest town 40 . While I pulled the transmission out, Chuck Harris set up
the hospitality tent along the side of the road and the others sat back and
kibitzed. Once the tranny was out the problem was apparent the splines were
totally stripped out on the muff coupling,.
Now I know what your asking your self , why would you tear open a Morgan in
the middle of a desert 40 miles from the closest civilization. Well you
would have to travel with Chuck to understand. Anyway once out, I jumped
into Jans Plus 8 and off we went to the next town not know what we were
looking for or what we would do once we arrived. The last resort was to
call Bill Fink and have him ship one to us ,
On arriving at the town we located the closest thing they had to a Morgan
repair Center , yes a farm equipment center. After a conference with
the owner we had him press the coupling off the shaft and weld it back on
the shaft backwards, so the stripped end was weld to the shaft and the
splines which were mated to the shaft were now free to mate to the
On returning to the car Chuck and the others were seated under the tent
sipping wine eating snacks and entertaining a State Troop who had stopped to
determine what asylum these kooks had escaped from.
Four hours after pulling over to the side of the road we were off again .
One water pump, 6 generators and one muff coupling later we arrived at Morro
I'll let Chuck tell the story of his water pump in Snyder Texas
Bob Nogueira
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