Hi Steve,
My transmission is a Moss unit and my car is a 1963 Plus 4 therefore our
transmissions are different. Your car probably has a Ford gearbox which has
different specs regarding the lubricating oil. The Morgan manual definitely
recommends 30w oil for my transmission. However, when I bought the car, it
had EP90 gear oil in it. This stuff is designed for lubricating
helical-type gears found in differentials. The "EP" stands for "extreme
pressure" and the oil actually etches the surfaces of the gears slightly so
that they hold oil during the period that they are in contact with the
other gears. With the high loads on this type of gear, ordinary oil would
"squeeze out" causing a lack of lubrication just where it's needed most.
I haven't looked for the oil recommended by Greg Solow yet but I intend to
- it's certainly worth a try.
Best regards,
Fred Schuchard
Roadstown, NJ