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Subject: Carburetor
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 20:04:44 -0700
Hi Fred,
Well Moggie Miglia IV is history - it was a great weekend.  Saturday,
the day of the event was a bit warmer than usual for May 16, but very
pleasant.  There was a brief rain shower very early Sunday morning while
we were all snug in our beds, just enough water to help wipe away the
road dust from Saturday's run. Hope you three guys enjoyed your
threewheeler camping weekend in the mountains.

In your response to the Steve's "distributor" problem you mentioned
Weber downdraft carbs in Ford Pintos.  Is there a Pinto year/model whose
carb is more desirable than another model?  I would think the 2000 cc
engine would have a bigger carb than the 1600, but emission restrictions
may have played a part in the Ford's carb choice.  I am seriously
considering your suggestion of a single 2bbl downdraft and a home made
manifold to get the intake system all inside and under the flat rad

Happy British Car Week,  Tony Souza

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