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Re: DHC Hinges & Doors

Subject: Re: DHC Hinges & Doors
From: (Charles A Harris)
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 22:53:14 -0600
Don't forget that Boxing Day is this Sunday and that Saturday at 3:30 is
the Silly Willie Chilli Rallye in Grapevine.  If during this busy weekend
you need any help with the drophead I am available (would much rather be
in your garage than painting my house).  Maybe it will rain.
Chuck Harris
On Wed, 18 Feb 98 21:33:23 -0500 Bob Nogueira <>
>-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --
>Hey Moggers  I want to thank everyone for the suggestions regarding 
>out the hinges.  Took one apart and  was happy to find that the wear 
>primarily in the pin the wear in the hinge is minor and pretty even so 
>won't have to deal with an egg shape hole,  
>Hopefully I'll have time this week to pick up the correct drill bits 
>reams and be able to do the hinges this weekend.  Then I start 
>building the
>doors .        
>Bob Nogueira       

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