What does common secce and Morgans have to do with each other. Here in
Mississippi I almost need an ice bucket for my feet even in winter.
Perhaps I could come to SD someday and you could show me how to put my top
Joe Speetjens
Gluckstadt, Mississippi
'95 Plus 8
> From: arlo j levisen <alevisen@gdhscats.org>
> To: Morgan Mailing List <Morgans@Autox.Team.Net>
> Subject: Comments
> Date: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 4:57 AM
> I have been getting a number of comments related to the use of the hood.
> Up in these latitudes, if I were to try and drive this car without ever
> using the hood, it would get driven very little. With our winds and our
> propensity for cool and downright cold temps, coupled with the fact that
> the heater in our Plus 8 does not put out very much heat especially at
> higher speeds - the hood simply needs to be used in the months between
> November and well into April usually. I am a native of South Dakota,
> have lived here the bulk of my life and have owned and used convertibles
> for many years now.
> There is a point where tradition and common sense collides and, while I
> am not a wus, I still put the hood/top up!
> Best wishes, Arlo Levisen