I've also had a shoop- shoop- shoop sound in my 1966 4/4. It was not
as soft a sound as "shoop- shoop- shoop" might imply, but was
undeniably the U-joint hitting the inside of the tunnel during
vigorous cornering. This started after a re-build and re-assembly.
It was never noticed before. Poking my head in various places
determined that the inverted U-shaped bracket that supports
transmission was bent. I removed it (jack under the trans) in order
to true it up, and much to my surprise, both legs of the U were indeed
90 degrees. Further study showed that the distances from the mounting
surface (the middle of the U) to the pairs of holes in the legs were
different. When bolted into place it only looked bent, but was
leaning to one side. Since this was the same piece that once worked
OK, I put turned it around and put it back so that it leaned the other
way. NO more shoop- shoop- shoop sound.
John McNaughton 1966 4/4