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Re: garage heat (no mog content0

To:, zehrinwa@UMDNJ.EDU
Subject: Re: garage heat (no mog content0
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 01:30:01 -0500 (EST)
I have a separate garage/neon shop at my house in Indiana.
First heat was wood because I had lots of wood and heated the house most of
the time with a woodburner.

Problem with wood was that it took several hours to heat the garage and
required bringing in dirty wood and was condusive to just sittin' around the

I replaced it with a comercial propane unit that hangs from the ceiling.
Takes no space in the garage- heats it quickly and blasts a good bit of
warmth right away when I want to work for say, twenty minutes. I put an
on-off switch in the thermostat line so that I can leave the garage bone-cold
to save bucks or... I would set the thermostat at 60 in really cold weather
when I knew that I would be back in in a few hours. The quick heat-up is very
convienent. Later I put the on-off switch in the house (300 feet or so away)
and would flip it on about 15 min before I went out to the garage. I can't
think of a better system... I don't care for IR heat- takes too long to heat
the air and I find it uncomfortable.. Give me warm air rather than warm
objects anytime

Fred Sisson

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