The recent list discussion on starter motors and the ongoing +4 4/4
debate got me thinking of the Hand Crank for the +4. I don't think the
4/4 had this "feature" did they?
On the +4, The crank went thru the hole in the "X" of the front
suspension sub frame and then out thru a hole in the front bumper. The
hole in the bumper was so large that there was only a thin sliver of
metal on either side of the hole to hold the bumper in one piece. My
bumper was already broken at the hole when I got my +4. I first
pop-riveted in a splice to hold the blade together and later on got a
new blade without a hole (oh God!, maybe it is a 4/4 part!) when I
restored the car.
I never got the chance to use the crank to start the "tractor motor". I
bet it was a kick (pun intended)!
George Gerth
1963 +4, with bumpers meant to be polished and admired, NEVER bumped!