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Re: Religious War?... Help for a neophyte

Subject: Re: Religious War?... Help for a neophyte
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 18:25:11 -0500 (EST)
In a message dated 97-11-02 12:43:07 EST, writes:

<< I believe that Dr Leaky is the one who first discovered (deep in the
 Hills) the triangular wheel- this of course being an evolvement of the
 wheel, in that it had one less bump. As time went on, the wheel slowly
 evolved into it's present shape with absolutely no corners.
Again, the scientist must enter this debate, as you know the path to
circularity starts with three corners and then goes to four (more round) and
so forth until a round shape is evolved with an infinite number of infinitly
small corner, and the path to smoothness.  

As we know from the pebble in the surf, time and motion progress toward
smoothness.  Your statement on the move toward smoothness is correct, however
it starts with the smaller number and moves to the larger, whether we be
speaking about wheels or cylinders,  The evolution has been from 2 cylinders
to 4 cylinders to eight cylinders, all in the quest for harmony and
smoothness on the planet, again supporting the theory of evolution from 3
wheeler to modern morgan.

Lance K. Lipscomb
based upon extensive work with Dr. Whitworth Darwin.

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