Huzzah!!! I have my own Moggie!!!! And an interesting story may unfold as I
research her history, hopefully with the help of you fine fellows! My car is
chassis #3872, a Plus 4 of early 1958 vintage, currently white and in fairly
good shape...more on that later. Several intriguing anomalies made me wonder
about her sporting history on first inspection...disk brakes behind 48 spoke
wires, and rollbar mounts astern; remarkably good wodwork, but several
chassis fractures (which we are welding up as a temporary fix, prior to a
frame off restoration)....I received my eagerly awaited confirmation from
Malvern of her original specs today, and found other intriguing bits...
Despatch date: 25.2.58; 3.73 axle; Tuned engine.....original color
for Windsor Motorcycles, Ltd, Ontario
more interesting still, chassis #3871 was despatched the same date to the same
agency, again in red/red with a 4.9 axle and a Tuned engine....
Was my Moggie a member of a racing team????
What were the standards to which these cars were tuned???
It's these kinds of wonderful hunts that make owning an old Morgan such a
treat, above and beyond the boundless thrill of the car herself.
If anyone has any ideas to help me with my research, I'd be most grateful.