Fred writes:
>I gotta start reading Hemmings again & look for keyword "widow"...
Aacck! While I understand Fred's strategy here it also worries me about
about the fate of my own Mog. What if I go first? Is my (beloved) spouse
aware of her awesome responsibility? Perhaps we should all consider
leaving a note ("To be opened in the event of my demise") stating our
wishes for those things most dear to our hearts (Our Mogs)! Think on't!
I personally am willing to volunteer to be the recipient of someone's
flatrad, in absolutely cherry condition. I promise to treat it as if it
were my own (which it then would be).
Will "never felt better" Zehring
p.s. More morbid humor: a cartoon in a recent issue of the New Yorker: a
couple out for a Sunday cruise in their big power boat. Where normally one
paints the name of the boat it reads: "His and Hers (until he dies)"