This is in response to questions re. MogWest. Excuse me for sending this to
the whole list.
15th Mogwest July 25-27, 1997
Cambria Pines Lodge
2905 Burton Drive
Cambria, CA
reservations 800-445-6868 ($60 to $115)
more info: David Haines 408-358-2230 coordinator
registration $65.00 companion $5.00
Saturday lunch $11.00
Sunday banquet $30.00
Friday, July 25
4pm registration
6pm no-host bar, complmentary hors d'oeuvres, darts Tournament
Concours, judging starts at 10 am
Lunch (optional)
Rallye, 1st car out 1pm
Dinner, on you own
11am slalom
6pm awards banquet, no-host bar
7pm dinner and awards
John McNaughton, Secretary, Plus4 Club