I have no advice as I am still testing my new acquisition and finding the
flaws. I look forward to reading any advice you get as I am sure to need a
rebuild as time goes on. Mine is a runner and I intend to use it
extensively this summer but will eventually restore the car. It is tired
looking but as of two days ago, licensed. Yahoo! I do however find third
gear a big jump from second. Is it others experience that second has to be
run up into high revs before shifting to third and that third is not
practical around residential short runs? I also have a 33 SS beetleback and
love the response it gets around town. How possible is it to find an
original starter or is there another one that will fit? It is currently
running the generator off of the front starter position with a belt but I am
also seeking an original generator, gears and bracket for the original
transmission position. Looking forward to hearing from other trike
owners...bob (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)...p.s. looking for three wheel nuts
for my spare tire. Any source or extras out there?
>At 09:12 AM 5/24/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Hi Three-Wheeler Fans,
>>Yesterday I finished disassembling the tranny on my '33 SS trike. (As Dave
>>Barry said, I took it apart right down to individual transmission molecules.)
>> To my amazement, the DPO did a good job on most of the rebuild he did.
>> Except for leaving the lid loose and letting dog hair and dirt getting
>>inside after the rebuild... sigh. I'm replacing all the internal bearings (3
>>total and cheap insurance at $88 for the set), but I have a question about
>>the cross-shaft bearings. These are caged rollers and are held in place by a
>>plate inside that is bolted to the case. There is alot of side play... a
>>good 1/8 inch or more. Are these supposed to be shimmed in some manner?
>>Also, I'm wondering if anyone has tried fitting seals into the recesses in
>>the flange that attaches the torque tube to the tranny where the shifter rods
>>stick through. Coombes' book talks about this, but says it was never done at
>>the factory. Chris Towner says he found some seals at an Audi dealer that
>>fit perfectly. Anyone else have insights on this?
>>- Carl Dreher