How about this interesting thread. Great stuff. Thought I would offer som=
e comments from Australia.
My story started in the early 1950's when I spotted a Morgan in a car mag=
azine and there my boyhood dreams started. At about 20 yrs of age read an =
article on a +4 Super Sports (in the early 1960's) and that cemented my go=
al in life - to own a Morgan.
In 1971 I discovered a work colleague owned a =22basket case=22 '51 +4 tha=
t had been rolled (how do you roll a morgan?). I offered to purchase it, =
sight unseen and was bitterly disappointed with the knock-back. Some month=
s later my colleague was forced to move interstate and the offer was made a=
gain, and this time accepted. It was mine for just =24200. My new wife w=
as ecstatic as I told her I had bought her a =22sports car=22 (wouldn't dar=
e buy something for me, would I ?).
When the trailered delivery took place, my wife couldn't believe what she s=
aw - a rusted heap of metal and bits of rotten wood. But I could see poten=
With job transfers, children, lack of money and among many other interestin=
g cars the Morgan sat and collected dust. The most memorable of my other c=
ars were: a Renault R4 (marvellous), an Alfa Romeo Gulia Super Sedan (wish =
I still had it, a great car), and a Volvo Wagon (the worst vehicle I have e=
ver experienced).
Some 25 years on I eventually had sufficient funds, an empty household of t=
he =22money sinks=22 (children), and the desire to have the +4 professional=
ly restored (not my idea, but the only way with the pressure of business). =
The restoration was reasonable to start with but eventually I was ripped o=
ff by an unscrupulous operator. I removed the car from his workshop partly=
finished and completed the job myself. Glad I did as it got some of my so=
ul and I learnt a lot.
The +4 was finished to a point where I could have it registered for road us=
e in January 1996, and then the fine tuning started to get a reliabel and n=
ice handling vehicle. 18 months later I have near achieved this.
The car was taken on its first major outing just two weeks ago to a rally a=
t McLean's Bridge, a field in the middle of nowhere inland from the Gold Co=
ast. The rally is reputed to be the largest collection of sports and cla=
ssic cars in the southern hemishere. Great day and my car went well.
All the years, money and effort is worth every cent, and best of all, my wi=
fe has condescended to allowing me to =22own=22 the car. She claims it is =
useless as she can't reach the pedals=21
For those interested, have a look at:
/morgan01.htm - some nice images of the finshed result.
Morgans - My heart really does belong....
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