All one uniform color, regardless of shade
Inside: unbroken material, no tufts sticking out
Patina: well-used
Seriously, the most impressive Morgan I've ever seen is owned by Jacquie
Lightfoot, a member of the MSCC in the UK. Her car is cream colored, but the
back end is aluminum, the interior tatty. I sat down with her at the MOG96 meet
in Dudley last year and she regaled me with a story of rebuilding the beast in
her front parlor, beating out the panels herself, putting it back together,
getting a bunch of similarly inclined folks over for drinks one night and
carrying the car downstairs and outside and putting the wheels on. Could be a
load of bull, but one look at the car and it seemed plausible to me and she was
a delightful lady who made a visiting Yank feel welcome at this great Morgan
event. The Brits are unlike a lot of us. They like their cars like most people
like their shoes--- well-lived in and reflecting their owners. That's the best
color of all!
Chip Brown, Norwalk, CT
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Subject: Morgan Plus 8
Author: "Chris Sinclare" <> at nylanr01
Date: 4/14/97 8:17 PM
We are having a debate and I need your help! Tell me the best paint
colour/colour combination for a Plus 8. I will keep track and publish the