> Thanks for the warm greetings(that goes to everybody). I apologize
>for not telling a little about myself in my original posting.
> I am currently a Sophmore at Ohio State University(go Bucks!), my
>major is Aerospace engineering with minors in Physics and Political Science.
>I also work at a pharmacutical company in columbus as a QA inspector. I was
>born and raised all over Canada and also a few places in the U.S. as well.
> As stated before, I am looking for a morgan. hard to say what I am
>looking for because I don't really know much about Morgans. So for know I
>am keeping my eyes open for a fine specimen and learning as much as I can
>about the cars themselves. Anyone know of any good Morgan books, web pages,
> Bradley J. Barnes
> Ohio State University
> bbarnes@netwalk.com
Here are some web sites to get you started:
Morgan Technical Information
Morgan Web page
Morgan homepage-Maintained by Angus Marshall the Brave Scot.(I think this
is changed)
Morgan +4 Club of Southern California
Dave and Linda Freeman <http://www.ipa.net/~dlfreeman>
Living the Good Life