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Message-ID: <32632232.190F@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1996 22:33:38 -0700
From: smithmog@ix.netcom.com
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01E-NC250 (Win95; U; 16bit)
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To: morgans@autox.com
Subject: stainless exhausts and posters
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1)Has anyone had any experience with stainless steel exhaust systems? The
old 4/4 system is getting,um ,somewhat rorty and I have given some
serious thought to one of those stainless systems I've seen in Hemmings,
but I've been told that they SOUND strange(different harmonic resonance
periods or somesuch)2) I've been looking for a set of posters " A history
of Morgans" consisting of two posters with side profiles of 5 cars
each.Saw these c.6 years ago at Chris Charles' dealership up in Ontario,
and believe they were produced by the German club.Now I noticed them on
the wall of the Dispatch Bay as shown in the Works' webpage ! Any ideas
greatly appreciated...
Jeff Smith
1968 4/4 1600