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Team.Net Server downtime

Subject: Team.Net Server downtime
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 15:10:59 -0400

Sometime during the next week, perhaps as early as this evening, perhaps not
until this holiday weekend, mail, ftp and web access will be unavailable for
a few hours.  I'll be moving the server to another network, with a new IP
address.  Other than the propagation delays involved with getting the new
number updated in various nameservers around the world, this should have no
noticeable effect on the vast majority of you.

Those of you who do NOT use, and but
refer to the mailing lists or whatever with some other name may, of course,
have problems.

Hopefully downtime will be minimal.

And to remind you folks again, to unsubscribe from a list send mail to with the command

unsubscribe name_of_the_list_you_want_to_stop_getting

If you want to switch from real time to digest, or vice versa, for those
lists with the digest option, unsubscribe from the one you don't want,
subscribe to the one you do want, e.g.

   unsubscribe autox
   subscribe ax-digest

To get the list of lists, send mail to with the
single word


as the contents of the message.

Check your mailer's automatic reply when responding to messages.  Mail meant
for just the original sender should be sent to the original sender.  Mail meant
for the whole list shoud be sent to the list.  Mail meant to be tossed into
the bit bucket should be sent to <name_of_the_list>-owner.

Also, please try to do some reasonable editing of included mail, and cut down
on some of those ridiculously long signatures.  A line or two with your email
address or a URL should be sufficient.


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