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Re: [Mgs] Advice please, bad miss

To: MGS <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] Advice please, bad miss
From: Simon Matthews via Mgs <>
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2016 17:39:25 -0700
References: <>
Problem solved.

What's that old saw? 90% of fuel problems are ignition problems.

I swapped out the almost new condenser and the problem went away.


On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Simon Matthews
<> wrote:
> We have a '71 MGB GT, which is largely original (even has the smog pump).
> It has recently developed a bad miss. The miss occurs under some
> throttle usage: it seems to idle OK. The miss starts happening quickly
> after the car is started.
> My first thought was fuel starvation, but I removed the pipe from the
> fuel carburettor and turned on the ignition: plenty of fuel came out.
> I checked the levels in the float chambers and I think they were OK.
> They were both the same and about 3/4 inch from the top. This car has
> an aftermarket fuel pump mounted on the inner fender.
> I also wondered about head gasket, but the miss happens even if I
> prevent any pressure building up in the cooling system by removing the
> radiator cap.
> I have recently replaced all the plug leads, distributor cap,
> condenser and plugs. I have not replaced the coil, but the fact that
> it seems to idle OK suggests that ignition is not the problem.
> Where should I start with this car?
> Simon

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