Hi again Friends,
Little by little the TD project is moving along. As I'm sure you are
aware, this is an EVERYTHING restoration. Nothing on the car should
be by-passed. That said, a lot of the stuff works with simple
cleaning / maintenance. The latest in that quest is the turn signal
relay box. Here's how it looks with the cover off.
And there are two points I wish to make about this refurbishment. (1)
The cover comes right off allowing cleaning and refinishing, BUT, it
is not keyed to fit only one way. That means, when you take it off,
if you loose track of how it came off, you have to figure out which
side is 1-4 and which side is 5-8! Trust me. I learned the hard way.
I had to go back to the wiring diagram to work it out! (2) The
little craftsman metric wrench with the goofy box-end arrangement
works GREAT for those of us who attach rusty Whitworth bolts and nuts!
WELL worth the investment. (Got mine for Christmas and thought I'd
never use them!)
I cleaned the relay cover on the wire wheel then gave it a thin coat
of 'cast-coat aluminum' engine paint. That stuff is great. I also
burnished the relay contacts and verified that they both work, as
advertised, using my bench power supply. Here's how the bits look
cleaned up and painted but before assembly.
And after assembly (the right way around)!
After that work was done, I removed the fuse block and voltage
regulator. I have new units for both, thanks to Bill including them
with the car, so I have not spent time cleaning up these bits. I did
repaint the mounting screw heads black (yea, I'm pathetic and need a
life). Here's how that area looks now that the electrical bits are
removed (sans coil).
I have applied rust eater to a bunch of bolts and nuts so that has to
set for a while. In the mean time, and just for completeness, I took
a few more documentation pictures. There's no such things as too many
pictures. Here are a few odds and ends.
Those floorboards are going to be a P.I.T.A. to remove as the nuts are
on the bottom exposed to rust-city!
The handbrake adjusters are soaking in rust eater.
Same with the rear tunnel bolts. They're soaking.
Other bits.
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