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Re: [Mgs] MGB Seats

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] MGB Seats
From: "PaulHunt73" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 09:32:55 +0100
References: <>
Indeed (RB or CB, roadster or GT), and the last thing you want is the rails 
clattering on your shiny paintwork.  However I've found that the outer rail 
with the adjuster is fine, it's the inner one that falls off.

Push the seat back as far as it will go and use a ratchet ring spanner to 
undo the front bolts.  These are concealed inside the fixed crossmember so 
try and avoid stripping the welded nuts or shearing the bolts.  With those 
undone you can get the seat to slide forwards further than normal, and use a 
standard socket on the rears.  Replacement is the reverse of removal, 
personally I've never had any problems locating the rear holes first as you 
can look down on them.  With those in it is just a matter of swinging the 
front rails from side to side until you feel the bolt go into the nut.


----- Original Message ----- 

>  The MGB rails fall off as well or better than Midget rails.  One wrap of
> masking tape around frame and rail may help to hold them on while 
> maneuvering
> the seats back into the car. Just tear off the visible parts when done. 
> Bob
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> Are there any special tricks to removal or installation of seats in the RB
> MGBs? 

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