My '71 MGB has two flasher units, one for the turn signals and one for
the hazard flashers. I think one of them is mounted behind the
vertical part of the console. Don't know if the 70 is the same.
On Sep 24, 2011, at 2:00 PM, mgs-request at wrote:
> [Mgs] Hazard blinkers at half speed
> I replaced the original rubber gaskets for the front blinkers last
> week on the
> MGB and both the blinkers/hazards stopped. I received a new flasher
> unit (they
> sent me the wrong one...), I have the 2 plug connector unit under
> the dash
> against the firewall. I took off the lenses and they started working
> about 1/2
> speed, but the hazards will not work at all. Do I have a bad flasher
> unit, or
> are the two front units maybe not grounding to the body as well as
> they
> should? Thanks