I can't see it being anything in the bellhousing or the hydraulic hose. The
master cylinder and the pedal have return springs, and normally these would
be enough to pull the pedal back even if there is no return hydraulic
pressure. The master seals are designed to pull fluid past them on the
return stroke when there is no return pressure for any reason. I had a
release bearing break some years ago, so no return pressure, the pedal
worked normally (albeit very light) and just a couple of pumps were enough
to push the slave piston out of the end of the cylinder.
I'd be looking at the pedal pivot, linkage, and master push-rod and piston.
----- Original Message -----
> Just got back from a long club drive. Along the route my clutch pedal
> stuck
> down (disengaged, engine revving freely) several times. It felt like it
> was
> catching on something, although there is nothing in the footwell for it to
> catch on.