Of the twin SU variety.
I haven't had much occasion in recent years to take this car on the
highway. At first this morning all was fine, but then I noticed in the East
long uphill stretches that the more I pressed the accelerator pedal the
I seemed to go. At times I could only maintain a speed of about 50 MPH, which
as it turned out was fine because I was pacing the large trucks that were no
faster. If I let off the pedal a bit, that seemed to give the engine a bit
more energy, but not enough to increase the speed at all.
Eventually I discovered that if I let up the pedal fully and then pushed down
again I would get the full power that I was used to, but it would eventually
bog down again. By pulsing the pedal off every so often I was able to keep up
with any traffic I wanted to keep up with, even on the long steep uphills.
This made the last 200 miles of my journey tolerable, but obviously this is
something I want to fix. And I suspect that some of you who have a better
understanding of the mechanics of the fuel system than I do might know
what would cause this sort of behavior.
'70 MGB-GT