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Re: [Mgs] MG makes the list

To: MG List <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] MG makes the list
From: Max Heim <>
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2010 09:52:15 -0700
Yes, we all know this, but apparently the editors of the BC Times-Colonist
(what a name!) do not. So perhaps corrective emails should be addressed to


Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the primer red one with chrome wires

on 9/7/10 4:58 PM, Jack Feldman at wrote:

> "The MGA was the first MG sports car to invade  North America...***"
> I will gently disagree with that. As a teenager in the last century I was an
> electronic hobbyist (now KA9HEL). I subscribed to Mechanics, Illustrated,
> and Popular Science. Naturally I read the whole magazine. One of my favorite
> columns in MI was the automobile reviews by Tom McCahil. At the time I had
> no interest in cars, but I loved his writing style.. For some reason down
> the years I remembered his review of the first MGs in the country and how
> they were received. Little did I know that years later I would own an MG
> (actually two, and MGBGT & MGC).
> Years later I found a copy that that same magazine. I have it somewhere, and
> it was great to read the review again with the knowledge I have of what
> happened to MGs down the years. It was the T series just after the war that
> made the first MGs popular. I still remember his comment about how the tiny
> MGs would outrun bigger, more powerful cars on the twisty mountain rads of
> California.
> Found a copy of his review of the MiniMoke. He blasted it as a stupid,
> useless car.
> My GT license plate is 4EVRMG, and we all should make sure that happens.
> Jack
Suggested annual donation  $12.75

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