Hello all...and Barney!
I decided to go through my turn signal switches and rebuild what I can and sort
what can be used for spare parts.
I pulled one apart as per Barneys instructions and all looked fine but the
position of the switch when the piston is in the raised position. Am I wrong to
assume (I know...bad word) that neither contact should be closed when in the
raised position? I mean...to me, it would stand to reason that a closed contact
would leave the turn signal on!
I'm guessing this may have been some aftermarket reproduction that was made on
a Friday or a Monday....
The switch from my '56 is cracked so I figured maybe I could rob some parts
from that to fix the other...WRONG!! It looks VERY different from the switch
Barney shows on his website (http://mgaguru.com/mgtech/electric/tssw_2.htm ).
The quality is VERY good but unfortunately cannot be used with the other switch.
Any thoughts?
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