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Re: [Mgs] The dreaded "Kent Collection"

To: Barney Gaylord <>,,
Subject: Re: [Mgs] The dreaded "Kent Collection"
From: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 18:18:56 -0500
Where do I get the spam software from?

At 05:31 PM 11/14/2009, Barney Gaylord wrote:
>At 02:50 PM 11/14/2009 -0500, Alberto Escalante ( wrote:
>>Today I saw that I'd been sent the latest spam  from the Kent 
>>Collection. .... not something I'd be  interested
>I set a spam filter rule the first time I saw it.  No big deal.  At 
>least it's an automotive related ad, not your general run of the 
>mill type spam on drugs or money grabs or phishing.
>>So I wrote the Kent Collection and said I wanted to be unabsubscribed,
>If you're nuts enough to read to the bottom of hte message, then 
>click on the "unsubscribe" link, it will connect you to their web 
>site.  Then if you scrounge around enough you can find the 
>unsubscribe link there, and it apparently works.
>>.... If they continue to send  me emails I'll take sterner measures 
>>to make them understand that they shouldn't  be sending out 
>>unsolicited emails, especially after I'd taken the time to make  my 
>>point quite clear.. Don't send me anymore email!
>That likely won't work, because it requires paid time for someone on 
>their end to "fix" it.  When they provide a valid unsubscribe link 
>in the e-mail message, that is probably the end of their legal 
>obligation.  I find it easier and quicker to set a filter rule to 
>toss the crap in the trash the first time it comes in.
>>I wish someone made  software you could buy that would allow you to 
>>literally bombard groups like the  "Kent Collection" with a little 
>>(or a lot!) of their own medicine in other  words..."Unsolicited email"
>They do.  It's the same software that allows the spam operators to 
>bombard you with unwanted messages.
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