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Re: [Mgs] MGA Roaster

To:, don <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] MGA Roaster
From: Murray Arundell <>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 14:47:28 +1000
Don't know, but I once so a BBQ made out of the rear section of an MGB......


On Fri Nov 13 12:12 , don  sent:

>I wonder if this Craigslist ad was a typo or misspelled
>deliberately!  Either way, made me laugh.
>1962 MGA Roaster - $1500 (Pensacola)
>Date: 2009-10-19, 5:14PM EDT
>Reply to:
>[>Errors when
>replying to ads?]
>I have a 62 mga roaster for sale that is not compelete. The car caught fire
>on the interior when the person we bought it from put a 12 volt battery in
>it instead of 2-6 volt batteries. All the interior is gone. The car will
>need a lot to restore it, but the frame/body is in good shape. The motor is
>a 1500 that was out of a 59 model and it and the transmission is in our
>shop, not in the car. It has the hood and radiatior in our shop also. If
>you are interested email me for pics. They are not downloading for some
>reason. Thanks
>Don Scott
>Calistoga CA
>2001 Miata SE BRG
>1973 MGB GT (for sale)
>1962 MGA Mk II (hoping to trade for early B roadster)
>1966 TR4A
>Support Team.Net


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